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Lynne Cheney Says Husband Not Suffering Stress From War
Fri Jan 04 2001 10:40:34 ET

MORE Magazine announces an interview with Lynne Cheney to be published in its upcoming issue.

In the piece, "describing the atmosphere at the White House after the terrorist attacks" Cheney noted, "It was just amazing to see these people at the center of things dealing with these issues. There was no emotion in the room that day, although everyone was stunned when the towers collapsed. Everyone was totally professional. For me to have sat in the corner, sobbing, would have been completely out of keeping with what was going on in the room.'

Referring to the difficult decision that faced President' Bush on whether to order any additional hijacked planes to be shot down, Cheney said: 'It was a difficult choice, but, of course, it was perfectly right to save thousands of lives, and I just thank God it didn't have to be really made.'"

Cheney also said she does not worry about the effect of the war on her husband, saying, "Stress is when you feel the people around you are forcing you into things that don't take full advantage of your talents. . It seems ironic, but to be able to contribute in a time like this is gratifying.'"


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