Missile Defense Chief Says System Is Producing Results
Thu Apr 18 2002 10:59:34 ET
The head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency assured Senate appropriators Wednesday that the national anti-missile system is taking shape on schedule, the CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY reports.
He pressed the case for an $8.3 billion appropriation in fiscal 2003, the same amount appropriated in fiscal 2002.
Congress is expected to hit that mark." Although missile defense "has been a controversial issue on Capitol Hill, senators posed few tough questions to Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish during a hearing before the Appropriations Defense Subcommittee." Among Republicans, Sen. Pete V. Domenici "voiced the most concerns about the program, asking how he could justify to his constituents that no system is in place despite the $73.5 billion that has been spent on missile defense since 1985."
Kadish "argued that significant amounts of time and money were necessary for such an unprecedented program." Kadish said, "We can argue about whether we should have gotten there earlier. But the investment is paying off." CQ adds that while Democrats "have long been skeptical of missile defense," those concerns "were muted Wednesday.
Chairman Daniel K. Inouye, D-Hawaii, opened the hearing by expressing strong support for missile defense." Many Democrats are "not sure how to attack missile defense this year as legislators prepare to consider the defense authorization and appropriations bills. Last year, Democrats railed against a $3 billion increase in the system. This year, with the proposed costs held stable, aides say lawmakers have not been able to find a missile defense issue that will energize voters."