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Anthrax Less Lethal Than Feared
Wed May 01 2002 09:56:15 ET

Last fall's lethal anthrax attack showed the disease needs aggressive treatment with a battery of drugs, but researchers say it is more treatable and less fatal than previously feared, the WALL STREET JOURNAL reported on Wednesday.


Antibiotic cocktails of two or three drugs beat single- drug treatment, according to a report in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.

Ciprofloxacin and doxycycline remain the first-line drugs; other options include rifampin, vancomycin and penicillin.

In an effort to help doctors recognize a disease that most have never seen, the report also includes a chest X-ray of an anthrax victim, as well as a photo showing the black scab of skin anthrax.

Anthrax triggers hemorrhaging of the lymph nodes in the chest, along with fluid leaks into the space around the lungs, abnormalities that are visible in chest X-rays and CT scans.



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