Thu Oct 31 2002 17:32:31 ET
A new negative radio ad against Minnesota Republican Senate candidate Norm Coleman was launched just hours after former Vice President Walter Mondalee agreed to run for Senate.
Text of Ad, obtained by DRUDGE:
It sent thousands of good paying Minnesota jobs to China and Mexico.
Free trade has led to 36 bankruptcies in the steel industry alone.
And where was Norm Coleman when 1200 jobs were lost at LTV steel mining in
Aurora because of the illegal dumping of steel?
And by the way, ask Norm Coleman about Lawson Software and Consceco
Financial, two corporations that received millions in public subsidies while
he was mayor of St. Paul.
These corporations have already laid off a total of 745 workers since Norm
subsidized them. Don't let Norm Coleman do to Minnesota what he did to St.
Call Norm Coleman and tell him that before he makes any more campaign
promises about creating jobs, he should start protecting the ones we already