The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained an email Florida Governor Jeb Bush sent out to his staff members and friends .
Bush personally typed out the missive just moments after learning a new shock poll by John Zogby would show the republican racing past his opponent by more than 15 points in his bid for reelection.
We had a wonderful day today.
Several hundred people showed up really early at the Daytona Speedway for a rally to get people fired up for the election on November 5th. Columba stole the show by sitting in a Porsche race car. She told me later that she was ready to take the training program to take it up to 200 mph! It reminded me of my dad's commitment to parachute out of a plane on his 80th birthday! I worry about both of them. :)
We had a great rally in Viera with hundreds of Brevard Countians who are ready to bring about a big victory on Tuesday. I am so grateful for the from-the-beginning-support of Jim and Cynthia Handley who since 1994 have been loyal supporters that have made a difference in my political career. The same can be said for Nora Hall in Volusia and Bill Donnegan and Ken Wright and Jerry Buchanan and Jerry Braley and many, many others. This is a sentimental time for me since I so greatly appreciate the hard work of so many people for so many years that has made it possible for me to have a chance to serve as Governor of the greatest state of union. This email would be too long if I thanked all that have worked their hearts out over the years for my chance to serve. Know that I am grateful beyond words.
We moved to Orlando where we arrived early so we stopped at a Steak and Shake to say hello and eat a hamburger and fries and a chocolate shake (for me, at least). This bus tour is killing my diet! I am feeling optimistic after meeting with Floridians that are going to vote Bush Brogan on November 5th.
Next up was our door to door campaigning in Southern Orange County. Along with us were the Secretary of HUD, Mel Martinez, Charlie Crist, the Mayor of Bayamon, Puerto Rico, our Lt Gov. Brogan, Mayor of Orlando Glenda Hood and many others. It was funny to see the expression of neighbors when they saw the gaggle of the press and scores of supporters when I knocked on doors asking for support. Here is prediction ... I will win the Hispanic vote in Florida, Democrat and Republican!
Our caravan moved on to the Flap Jack Festival in Land O' Lakes. It was a lot of fun. I got to award the first place winner in the children's class to a beautiful young girl who won in spite of the fact that she was half the size of her competitors. People in Pasco County are very fired up about the election and they love pancakes! I always am asked to sign things in our events. Today, for the first time, I was asked by two girls dressed as pancakes with butter on the fronts of their costumes, to sign their butter. I also signed the poster of a McBride protester which is a first for me. Maybe we had a convert! love campaigning!
We rushed to USF to arrive in time to receive the President of the United States . 11,000 enthusiastic supporters were there rocking the house hearing from my son, George P., our hero Norman Schwarzkoff and our wonderful Commander in Chief, George W. Bush. It was uplifting! Thank God we have a President like George! I feel so comforted that he in our President and the leader of the free world!
It is clear to me that our troops are mobilized and working hard.Columba and I are so grateful for all the work that so many are doing to bring about a victory on Tuesday. I am truly humbled by the door to door efforts, by all the calls, by all of the direct efforts by thousands of people. It is humbling. We are winning and we will win with all that you do.
PS Tomorrow, the Zogby Poll will show a lead of 55-38%. I honestly think that the race is closer. Former President Clinton, former Vice President Gore, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, James Carville and hundreds of out of state organizers are working hard in our state as I write. My opponent has received millions of dollars of support in the waning days of this campaign. We need to keep working hard and I know that you will.
God's blessings,
Filed By Matt Drudge
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