Dear colleagues:
I wish to tell you that I will be leaving CNN at the end of the spring to become the president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, the leadership and research organization based in Washington that for the past fifty years has played a critical role in shaping national strategies and providing a forum for ideas.
This opportunity was unexpected and unsolicited, and the timing is not perfect, but it is exactly the type of job I have long wanted, so I did not feel I could let it pass. As those who know me realize, the job is a perfect match because it offers the chance to do things I truly love or want to do: writing, exploring ideas, engaging in policy issues, and seeking solutions to social and international problems.
The Aspen Institute, which is headquartered in Washington, has campuses in Aspen and on Maryland's eastern shore, and there are partner Aspen Institutes in France, Italy, Germany and Japan. For more than 50 years, since its seminar programs were launched by Mortimer Adler, it has run educational programs for leaders, young and old, which explore a wide range of ideas and attempt to apply timeless values to timely problems. It also conducts policy studies and research programs on international affairs, globalization, national security, the media, the environment, education and other topics. With the participation of a wide range of policymakers - from Margaret Thatcher to Jimmy Carter to Condoleeza Rice - it has helped lay the groundwork for new approaches to national and world issues. In addition, one of my goals is to get the institute more involved in helping to reduce international disputes and tensions.
It is an exciting new prospect for what I want to do with the next phase of my life, one that I know will be fulfilling for me and happy for my family. Yet I am also sorry that it means I will be leaving CNN in a few months. I have a deep respect for CNN, its unique and noble role, and the dedicated people who work here. It is a strong and vital group of networks, now more than ever.
CNN has accomplished two major things in the past couple of years. It has kept faithful to its core mission of being the most authoritative and credible source of information in the world, emphasizing hard journalistic reporting more than opinion shows. That is what makes CNN unique. In addition, CNN US has been transformed from being largely rolling news to featuring a lineup of signature, top-quality programs with this journalistic mission at their core, spanning the day from American Morning with Paula Zahn to NewsNight with Aaron Brown.
CNN is in great shape. Thanks to all of you, its programming - in the US and around the world - is in a different league than it was a few years ago. Its reporting remains unrivaled as other networks scale back their coverage of the world. CNN won four Emmy Awards for news and documentaries in 2002. In studies by the Pew Research Center, CNN was rated as the most believable news source in 2002 and as the network that did the best job of covering the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In 2001 and 2002, CNN US had its highest ratings of any years since competition began in the cable news business.
I've been at this company for 24 years and have had the amazing good fortune to be the managing editor of Time and the head of CNN. But I've long yearned and planned to have another phase in my life after journalism, and leading the Aspen Institute is the perfect fit that allows me to move on to what I've wanted to do next.
When I told Jamie of my decision, he asked me to stay on through the spring, and I am eager to do so because of the press of news we are likely to face. But I wanted to inform you now of my plans and begin working with Jim, Eason and Teya so that we can assure an orderly transition as well as focus on the journalistic challenges we will face in the event of an Iraq war.
Thanks. Walter.
Filed By Matt Drudge
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