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DNC Email claims 'Bush Is Using the War to Justify Risky Tax Scheme'
Mon Mar 31 2003 11:08:57 ET

Date: Sun, Mar 30, 2003 21:20:58
From: "Democratic Party"

Subject: Another Democratic victory for working families

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Democrats Fight and Win for Working Families

Senate Democrats Slash Bush Tax Giveaway in Half...

Dear , Senate Democrats won a huge victory for working families this week, winning a crucial vote to cut by more than half President Bush's latest scheme to give an enormous tax cut to the wealthiest sliver of Americans.

Every Democrat in the Senate chamber voted to slash Bush's tax giveaway from $726 billion to $350 billion, protecting the future of all Americans by dedicating the savings to protecting Social Security!

... But Now Bush Is Using the War to Justify Risky Tax Scheme

But this fight is far from over. The White House proved it will say anything to pass its enormous tax scheme, even using the military conflict in Iraq to find an advantage.

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told reporters that we need the Bush tax scheme "so that when our men and women in the military return home, they'll have jobs to come home to."

Not only is this a shameful political exploitation of the men and women who are putting their lives in danger, but it's also misleading.

Under a 1994 law passed by the Democratic Congress and President Clinton, employers must reinstate reservists who return from active service.

Help Democrats continue to fight for working families and defeat Bush's latest budget-busting tax giveaway to the wealthiest sliver of Americans!

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Quote of the Week

"Fleischer argues regularly that the tax cuts are needed so that 'when the war is over, our military has jobs to come home to.'

"The argument has flaws. Those who serve in the military full time need not worry about having jobs when they come home. And under a 1994 law, employers must reinstate reservists in similar positions when they return from service, unless the company can document severe hardship."

Dana Milbank, Washington Post, March 26, 2003


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