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Commune in Vietnam invaded by caterpillars
Fri Apr 25 2003 10:15:36 ET

Hanoi (dpa) - Residents in a remote commune in central Vietnam have fought a plague of caterpillars over the last week, a local resident said Friday.

;The caterpillars are everywhere, on the trees, on the walls, on desks and chairs in the school,'' said Tran Thanh Van, a farmer in Ngok Vang commune in Kon Tum province.

Many of the 1,150 residents of the commune are having allergic reactions to the caterpillars, Van said. ;They (the insects) are disgusting and annoying,'' said Van. ;Several people have had to go to hospital for the itch.''

The black, seven-centimetre-long caterpillars are nothing new to the commune in Vietnam's mountainous central highlands region, but the number or the larvae is unusual, the farmer said.

;The children are very scared. So far, we can only use brooms to sweep the insects together and burn them. I wish we could have some chemicals or other effective ways to kill these caterpillars,'' said Van from the province, 350kms north of Ho Chi Minh City.

Local people - who are mainly from the Ede and J'rai ethnic minority groups - have no idea why this time there are so many caterpillars, Van said.

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