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Sun Aug 31 2003 15:30:27 ET

Dennis Miller may be going through a political transformation to more conservative leanings -- but he has not yet modified his views on conservative radio king Rush Limbaugh, who Miller described three years ago as being "emblematic of what's wrong with the medium."

"No one is more full of himself, or, for that matter, more full, than Rush Limbaugh," Miller wrote in 2000.

"Limbaugh articulates the blindingly white anger of every short-sleeved Wal-mart assistant manager in America who's outraged because a black kid called him by his first name."


Miller made his entrance Friday on to the right-wing talkradio waves via hundreds of stations which showcase Limbaugh, including Limbaugh's flagship station, WABC, New York. On the air [subbing for the skyrocketing Sean Hannity] Miller stood by his Rush rebuke and insinuation that Rush Limbaugh fans are racist, but added, "it should be taken in the jokey manner it was meant."

"Rush Limbaugh has sometimes rubbed me the wrong way over the years," Miller explained.

In his 2000 best-selling book, Miller wrote: "I don't have all that much to say about Rush Limbaugh, because Al Franken already wrote a book that cut him into ten million pieces, each of which weighed roughly half a pound."


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