Statement of RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie on CBS Decision to Move Reagan Series to Showtime
Tue Nov 04 2003 16:12:39 ET
Washington, DC-- "The CBS decision to air 'The Reagans' miniseries on Showtime does not address the central concern over historical accuracy, nor does it correct the fact that the program does not present, in their own words, 'a balanced portrayal of the Reagans.'
The only proper thing to do is to correct the imbalance and have the program reviewed for historical accuracy or inform viewers that it is a fictionalized portrayal and not intended to be historically accurate.
Misleading a smaller audience of viewers is not a noble response to the legitimate concerns raised about this program.
I respectfully request Showtime to allow a panel of historians and people who know the Reagans to review the program for accuracy before it airs.
If they are unwilling to correct the imbalance they themselves acknowledge and review the program for historical accuracy, Showtime should inform its viewers through a crawl every ten minutes that the program is a fictional portrayal of the Reagans and the Reagan Presidency, and is not intended to be historically accurate."