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Protesting French artists invade prime-time newscast
Mon Nov 10 2003 16:38:52 ET

France's disgruntled show business workers took their message to the masses Monday, invading the set of a live evening news broadcast and taking over the presenter's chair. Midway through the widely watched 8 o'clock evening news on channel France-2, newscaster David Pujadas announced that there were visitors on the set. A close-up camera panned out to a wide shot that showed Pujadas surrounded by a dozen protesters holding signs.

``We have decided to give them one minute to explain their demands,'' Pujadas told viewers before standing up from his chair and handing the seat to a female protester.

It was unclear how the sign-bearing demonstrators made it onto the set. France-2 did not immediately return calls seeking comment.

The studio invasion was the latest attempt by actors, technicians and other show business employees to gain the spotlight as they press the government to reconsider planned reforms of artists' unemployment benefits.

Reading from a prepared text, the female protester denounced the ``disastrous character'' of the reforms. ``It's act now or disappear,'' she told TV viewers.

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