MAG: Wolfowitz Expected To Leave Administration Sometime In 2004
Mon Dec 22 2003 12:06:28 ET
TIME mag reports in new editions: "If Rumsfeld is the face, mouth and strong right arm of the war in Iraq, [Deputy Defense Secretary Paul] Wolfowitz -- the intellectual godfather of the war -- is its heart and soul. Whereas Rumsfeld talks about Iraq like a technician, Wolfowitz sounds more like a prophet. Says a close associate of the deputy's: 'Paul asks himself every day how he can limit suffering by toppling another dictator or by helping people to govern themselves.' Rumsfeld offered Wolfowitz his current post with an invitation to serve as his intellectual alter ego, a senior aide says. Their offices are a short walk apart along the Pentagon's E-Ring.
"Wolfowitz frequently slips down a back hallway, peers through a peephole into his boss's suite and, if Rumsfeld is alone, walks right in. ... They talk half a dozen times a day, on matters small and large." Wolfowitz "is more ideological than Rumsfeld, which has suited both men for different reasons. Wolfowitz often ventured way ahead of the rest of the Administration on foreign policy matters over the past two years, and Rumsfeld frequently let him go.
"That allowed Wolfowitz to push the whole Bush team to the right, which also let Rumsfeld align himself with that crowd when it served his purpose to do so." Time adds, "The Rummy and Wolfie show may soon go off the air. It is widely believed in national-security circles that Wolfowitz may leave the Administration sometime in 2004. He has become too controversial for Bush to promote to Defense Secretary; Wolfowitz believed that U.S. troops in Iraq would be greeted with rose petals. He remains unbowed about the postwar effort."