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Support The DrudgeReport; Visit Our Advertisers ![]() ![]() XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX SUN FEB 22, 2004 20:32:18 ET XXXXX SECRET DEFENSE REPORT SHOWS ISRAEL OWNS 82 NUKE WEAPONS **Exclusive** A new book set for release this week claims Israel owns 82 nuclear weapons! MORE RUMSFELD'S WAR, the new book by WASHINGTON TIMES Pentagon reporter Rowan Scarborough, includes a secret Defense Intelligence Agency report that shows Israel owns 82 nuclear weapons. Meanwhile, arch-rivals Pakistan and India plan big increases in their atomic arsenals. MORE The DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a copy of that report, [Click For .PDF File] one of many secret document cited in RUMSFELD'S WAR. Following is an excerpt from this new book which is being released Monday and which has sold out advance copies at some bookstores: [Start of excerpt] President Bush's inaugural address followed the traditional script: paying homage to the outgoing president before mentioning the continuing national security threats and what he planned to do about them. "We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge," he said. "We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors" .... Waiting for the new president at the Pentgon was an extraordinary, massive and classified paper on future threats stretching to the year 2020, prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency. On the nuclear front, a page stamped secret says more countries will possess nuclear weapons in the next twenty years. A classifed chart predicts that Iran will have ten to twenty weapons. China�s nuclear ICBM force will grow from forty missiles to as many as 220. Rivals Pakistan and India will more than double their nuclear stockpile. Stalinist North Korea may have ten atomic weapons by 2020. Israel will maintain an arsenal of about eighty warheads. North Korea posseses not only two to four nuclear weapons - of limited nuclear yield - but it also has an offensive biological and chemical arsenal. Says the DIA report, "Despite limited intelligence on the status of its biological warfare capabilities, North Korea is thought to have developed agents including anthrax, plague, cholera and toxins." MORE SECRET DOCUMENTS REVEAL HOW RUMSFELD IS LEADING THE WAR ON TERROR �This is war.� With those three words to President Bush moments after the September 11 attack, Donald Rumsfeld recast decades of American policy that had once defined terrorism as a criminal matter, not as a global enemy to be identified and destroyed. Rumsfeld also established himself as Bush�s point man in the war against terrorism, insuring that this time the battle overseas would not be controlled by bureaucrats and diplomats, but fought by empowered American soldiers. In his new book, RUMSELD'S WAR: THE UNTOLD STORY OF AMERICA'S ANTI-TERRORIST COMMANDER, Scarborough, veteran national security reporter for the Washington Times, reveals never- before-seen private memos, secret Pentagon reports and defense intelligence documents to take the reader inside the Rumsfeld Pentagon as he battled: * The military bureaucracy: Rumsfeld�s never-before-seen �snowflake� memos show how he repositioned the US military, shifting focus away from the ingrained bureaucracy to empower special operations, Green Berets, SEALS, and others whose training emphasized a �can do� attitude. * Members of the Bush Cabinet: An exclusive look behind the scenes into the struggle between Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice over control of the war on terrorism and Rumsfeld�s private battles with Secretary of State Colin Powell over the handling of �enemy combatants.� * al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein: Rumsfeld changed the rules of fighting against terrorists, focusing on one primary goal-killing them. Rumsfeld streamlined rules of engagement allowing soldiers on the ground to act quickly on new information. Rumsfeld also moved new special operations units under the control of the Pentagon. The book reveals how one such unit, the secret Grey Fox, could turn on cell phones without the enemy knowing it, allowing the CIA Predator to use the phone signal for a missile strike. Developing... ----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant http://www.drudgereportArchives.com for updates (c)DRUDGE REPORT 2004 Not for reproduction without permission of the author |
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