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Fri Mar 19 2004 13:26:53 ET

Mr. Tom Josefiak
General Counsel
Bush Cheney '04 Inc.
2107 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22201

Dear Mr. Josefiak:

I am writing to apologize and accept responsibility for the recent distribution of foreign goods in our Bush Cheney '04 merchandise program. We take great pride in providing this service to your campaign, and at your request have worked with our vendors to distribute goods that have been made in America.

Unfortunately, in one of our recent shipments, a vendor inadvertently supplied us with foreign goods, and our own company did not discover this mistake before distribution to the public. The purchase orders for these items included a statement specifying "Made in USA products." (See attached document). We received an acknowledgement from our supplier substantiating that it was their factory mistake. (See attached document).

We have already reviewed our entire stock of items and have pulled from inventory all foreign products. Of the 60 fleece jackets in stock, only two were from Burma. According to best estimates by our supplier, less than a total of ten items from Burma were shipped to the public. We have taken corrective action to assure this will never happen again. We are a small company employing 40 workers and take pride in the professional services provided by our hard-working American families.

Please accept my sincere apologies for this error and let me assure you that all necessary steps have been taken to guarantee that all future shipments will contain only American made products.


Ted Jackson
President, Spalding Group

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