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CNNUSATODAYGALLUP POLL: Americans' views of Richard Clarke largely determined by who they plan to vote for
Mon Mar 29 2004 16:50:18 ET

Interviews with 1,001 adult Americans conducted by telephone on March 26-28, 2004.

Americans' views of Richard Clarke are largely determined by who they plan to vote for in November, and although the public thinks that the Bush administration didn't do enough to prevent terrorism before 9/11, they also don't believe that the White House could have prevented 9/11 from happening. The number of Americans who approve of how Bush is handling terrorism has dropped since last year, but a solid majority continues to give Bush a positive grade on terrorism and Iraq. 54% say that the Bush administration did not do all that could be expected on terrorism before 9/11. However, even larger numbers say that the Clinton administration did not do all that could be expected. And two-thirds say that the Bush administration would not have been able to prevent the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Most, however, also say that the White House is covering something up in the 9/11 investigation. Since Richard Clarke's charges were made during an election, it comes as no surprise that the public is as closely divided on his charges as they are on the election itself. 46% say they are more likely to believe the Bush administration; 44% say they are more likely to believe Clarke. Democrats overwhelmingly trust Clarke and Republicans trust Bush by an equally large margin.

March 26-28
More Likely to Believe...

Bush Administration 46%
Richard Clarke 44

Sampling error: +/-3% pts

March 26-28
More Likely to Believe...

Bush Kerry
Voters Voters

Bush Administration 81% 10%
Richard Clarke 12 80

Sampling error: +/-4% pts

QUESTION: Who are you more likely to believe in this matter -- Richard Clarke, or current members of the Bush administration?

March 26-28
Did Bush Administration Do All That Could Be Expected Before 9/11?

Yes 42%
No 54

Sampling error: +/-3% pts

QUESTION: Based on the information available to the Bush administration before the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, do you think the Bush administration did or did not do all that could be expected to prevent the terrorist attacks?

March 26-28
Did Clinton Administration Do All That Could Be Expected?

Yes 32%
No 62
Sampling error: +/-3% pts

QUESTION: Based on the information available to the Clinton administration in the 1990s, do you think the Clinton administration did or did not do all that could be expected to prevent terrorist attacks?

March 26-28
Could Bush Administration Have Prevented 9/11 From Happening?

Yes 27%
No 67

Sampling error: +/-3% pts

QUESTION: Do you think the Bush administration should have been able to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 11th, or not?


March 26-28
Is Bush Administration Covering Up Something About Handling Intelligence On Terrorism Before 9/11?

Yes 53%
No 41

Sampling error: +/-3% pts

QUESTION: Do you think the Bush administration is or is not covering up something about its handling of intelligence information concerning possible terrorist attacks before September 11, 2001?

March 26-28
Opinion of Condoleeza Rice

Favorable 50%
Unfavorable 25
Unsure 25

Sampling error: +/-3% pts

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