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Mon Jul 19 2004 11:01:58 ET

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration now recommends that drivers not use cellphones at all, except in an emergency.

A great deal of research has concluded that headsets and speaker-phones don't improve safety because it's the mental distraction of talking on the phone, not holding it, that causes the danger while driving, the WALL STREET JOURNAL reports in Page Ones on Monday.


Earlier this month, New Jersey and Washington, D.C., joined New York in requiring drivers to use headsets or other so-called hands-free devices when they talk on cellphones. After initially fighting such laws, the nation's cellphone carriers are joining with car makers to promote the voluntary use of headsets to address concerns about the safety of talking on the phone while driving.

More states and towns across the country are considering ways to legislate the practice.

But new research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and others suggests that hands-free devices may actually add to the overall risk!

This new evidence could put safety regulators -- who have been reticent to act so far -- on a collision course with the nation's wireless business.

NHTSA officials drafted a letter to be sent to all 50 U.S. governors.

It said laws prohibiting hand-held cellphones while giving the green light to using headsets "will not address the problem" and "may erroneously imply that hands-free phones are safe to use while driving."

It recommended that drivers not use cellphones at all, except in an emergency.


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