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Former President George H.W. Bush defended his son during an exclusive interview on CNN Monday night -- and delcared he was finished reading the NEW YORK TIMES.


PAULA ZAHN: This campaign has gotten very ugly. First Lady Laura Bush over the weekend said she didn't think the Swift Boat ads were unfair because she felt that her husband had been victimized by, in her words, millions of these negative 527 ads. What do you make of those ads?

BUSH: Well, I haven't seen the ads. I saw something on the run- up to the ads. And I must say, what I saw of these individuals, and there are quite a few of them, was rather compelling. But then people have gone in and said, Well, they weren't telling the truth.

I have great confidence in Bob Dole. I don't think he'd be out there just smearing John Kerry. I think he was concerned about what he actually saw with his own eyes and what he actually heard with his own ears.

So I am conflicted on it. But again, Paula, you know, I'm getting so old, I got to be careful the kids don't start throwing me out of the living room when I start telling them what it used to be like.

I remember in 1992, running against a man who I became a friend with afterwards, Bill Clinton. And I remember getting victimized when we talk about my war record, which happened to include service in combat and quite a few combat missions in the Pacific. And then they say, Oh, this is an attack on Clinton. You're attacking him because he avoided the draft. You're attacking him because he went to England. I was very careful not to do that.

But you get into something like this and emotions rage on both sides.

ZAHN: So you think these ads are OK?

BUSH: I don't know about whether they're OK or not. The one I'm interested in is if they go forward with what John Kerry said when he came back from Vietnam, because I remember that. And I think that's fair game.

I don't know about these. If it's proved that it's untrue, then it's not right...

Look, we have been victimized by this moveon.org, this slobby Michael Moore and all of these people for months. And for months before the president started campaigning, he was attacked by all kinds of people.

So, you know, you can't have it both ways. And I don't know enough about the Swift Boat Veterans. I think Kerry served honorably, but I don't know enough about them to say they're all liars.


BUSH: It's consistently liberal. It consistently opposes the president on almost everything editorial. Most of their editorial comment on the op-ed page is extraordinarily liberal.

The thing that troubles me is in my opinion their news columns are getting to show a certain bias. There is a new way you do it now -- Reporter's notebook. And then that gives you a little chance to be an advocate in the news column. Or Washington Whispers or something like that, and that relieves the reporter of objectivity, objective reporting.

And so, you know, I expect we'll get a big argument about this, but I'm absolutely certain of it. I've given up on them.

ZAHN: Has the president given up on them?

BUSH: I don't know. He might be like his mother; she won't read it anymore.

Filed By Matt Drudge
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