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Sun Oct 24 2004 19:27:42 ET

NEW YORK - October 24, 2004 - Days away from the Presidential election, NBC News' Katie Couric sat down with Senator John Kerry. The interview will air Monday morning on "Today"

KERRY: "Now let me just look you and America in the eye and tell you this. Unlike Dick Cheney and George Bush, I put my life on my line for my country when it counted. I fought for this nation and I defended it as a young man. And I will defend America as President of the United States."

COURIC: "Having said that, anecdotally some voters have said, "Hey, the United States has not been attacked since September 11th. George Bush must be doing something right. And we're too nervous to vote for a change at this point in time." You would say to them?"

KERRY: "I would say to them that this administration has told you, George Bush and Dick Cheney have said to you, it is not a matter of if we're gonna be attacked. It is a matter of when...do you know that the-- that the President just the other day in an interview with Hannity and Combs said-- do you know what he said? He said he doesn't know if America will ever be safe. Well, I do know that America will be safe. Under my leadership. Because we're gonna not allow 95 percent of American containers to come in un-inspected."

COURIC: "But can you really...Senator make that guarantee-"

KERRY: "You bet--because we--can win-"

COURIC: "--that America will be safe under all circumstances?"

KERRY: "Katie, let me say this to you. We won World War II. We won the-- the-- the Cold War. We know what we can do when we put our minds to it. We haven't done a-- a third of the things that we need to do to win the war on terror."


COURIC: "Do you ever feel inclined to-- to say to your wife what Archie Bunker used to say in that-- "Stifle yourself, Theresa?"

KERRY: "No. I honestly, absolutely never do. I love her. I think she's outspoken. She speaks the truth. She misspoke, as-- as many of us do in life. And I've misspoken. How many times have I misspoken or the President or somebody else?

My wife did exactly what Laura Bush did. My wife raised her kids, her three boys. My wife stayed at home and-- and cooked and drove and was there for all the kids in the neighborhood and cooked for all of them. And-- she was -- I mean, she knows what it means to be at home raising kids and taking care of them when they're sick and everything else. She was really referring to outside work. And she caught herself instantly. And she knew what she'd said. And she had the-- you know, the-- both, I think, the sense of decency and appropriateness to make the call and say, "Look. You know, this was misinterpreted." I love her for our outspokenness. I think Americans love her. Because she's authentic. She speaks her mind. And she tells the truth. And Americans want the truth."


COURIC: "You-- sported a hunting outfit-- in Ohio and had goose blood on your-- on your fingers. Isn't it a rule of politics 101 not to dress up? It seems to me that every time a candidate goes down this road, whether it's President Bush in a flight suit or Michael Dukakis in a tank, or you at Cape Canaveral or-- or goose hunting, it backfires. It feels-"

KERRY: "Well, I disagree."

COURIC: "--well, manufactured and disingenuous."

KERRY: "Katie, I've hunted since I was 11 or 12 years old. That's me. Long before I was a Presidential candidate, I-- I'd go hunting. I'd go deer hunting with my family. I've been bird hunting through my life. Used to hunt woodchucks as a kid. Started with BB guns, shot with a 22. It's the Republicans who are trying to make it something. They can't stand the idea that a Democrat actually goes out and likes to hunt. They can't stand it....And they're trying to make a big deal."

COURIC: "Wasn't it politically motivated for you to do a photo-op hunting in a camouflage outfit?"

KERRY: "I've hunted all my life. I've done-- I've only done things in this campaign that have been authentic. That's why I suffered an advertisement about windsurfing. Because I told people. I said, "I'm not gonna stop doing what I do. I'm gonna be who I am." And so, people made fun. I don't care. But that's authentic. I've hunted. I own guns. I go out and hunt. And that's who I am.


COURIC: "Is there anything about him you admire?"

KERRY: "I like him. He's a likeable fellow. I think he's a great family man. I know he loves Laura and his kids enormously. I respect-- I respect him as a father.

I just disagree with him in the choices he's made. Losing five million people's health insurance is not acceptable to me. It's been acceptable to him. Seeing people's income go down in middle class is not acceptable to me. It's been acceptable to him.

So-- you know I admire the way he stood up after 9/11 and brought the country together. But I disagree with the way he's divided the nation since then. It's been ideological. It's been excessively partisan and political. And we need a president to bring America together. We really do."


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