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Radioactive water leak reported at Czech nuclear plant near Austrian border
Sat May 28 2005 11:55:08 ET About 3,000 liters (780 gallons) of radioactive water leaked at troubled nuclear power plant near the Czech border with Austria, an official said Saturday.

The leak in the village Temelin did not contaminate the environment and posed no danger to employees, plant spokesman Milan Nebesar said.

He said the water leaked late Friday at the plant's second unit, currently shut down for routine maintenance and fuel replacement.

Nebesar said that the water, used for cooling, went through a special sewage system and was contained in a tank.

The unit was expected to be back on line around June 20, but could be restarted later due to the leak, he said.

The plant's first unit was running at full capacity Saturday.

Construction of the plant's two 1,000-megawatt units, based on Russian designs, started in the 1980s. The reactors later were upgraded with U.S. technology, but they have remained controversial because of frequent malfunctions.

The facility, 60 kilometers (35 miles) north of the Austrian border, has been a source of friction between the two countries. Environmentalists in Austria demand it be closed, while Czech authorities insist it is safe.


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