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Cycling world divided over Armstrong drug claims
Tue Aug 23 2005 10:12:51 ET

The world of cycling was divided Tuesday amid claims that seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong used a banned, endurance-boosting hormone during the first of his triumphs in 1999.

The French sporting daily L'Equipe reported that Armstrong's use of the illegal blood booster EPO (erythropoeitin) was revealed in tests by a French laboratory of six frozen urine samples taken during the 1999 Tour.

With a headline splashing "Armstrong's Lie" on its front page, the respected sports daily made their accusations against the 33-year-old American who retired in July after coasting to his record seventh Tour title.

The news was greated with mix reaction in the sport.

Former French cycling federation president Daniel Baal believes that the Armstrong legend has fallen foul of scientific proof.

"The myth no longer exists from the moment the lie is revealed," said Baal.

"When you continue to say that journalists need to have proof of doping and than that proof is revealed, you just have to look at the evidence."

The revelations will silence even Armstrong's most fervent supporters, said Baal.

"I know that a certain number will not support any doubt being cast on Lance Armstrong, even cycling bosses who say that Armstrong is obviously clean, now today an answer has been given, which seems scientific to me, totally rational and difficult to deny."

AFP wire reports: Tour de France director Jean-Marie Leblanc was shocked by the reports.

"I feel confused and disappointed without a doubt like many sports people," said Leblanc.

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