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Congressman Calls Bush 'A Clown'; 'Can't Stand Him'
Wed Aug 01 2007 16:33:17 ET

North Dakota's U.S. Rep. Earl Pomeroy calls President Bush a ?clown? and says he ?can?t stand? him in a new video posted on the Internet.

According to the GRAND FORKS HERALD, the Democratic congressman was approached by a group called Grassroots America last week as he was walking the streets of Washington, D.C.

An Internet video shows Rep. Earl Pomeroy talking to a member of Grassroots America, in which he calls President Bush a ?clown.? A group member had approached him asking about whether Bush should be impeached.

As he talked on a mobile phone, two women approached him and asked him about impeaching Bush, giving statistics of people who approve of the idea.

As a camera rolled, Pomeroy is shown to be clearly agitated by their questions.

?Most of the people I represent think that?s (impeachment) a horrible idea. I?m a Democrat, and I can?t stand this president, but I?m to represent the people that I represent and they are against impeaching the president,? Pomeroy said while pointing and waving his arms.


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